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Advertising & Public Relations:

Starting salaries in the advertising and public relations field are relatively low compared to some other marketing jobs because of strong competition for entry level advertising jobs. You may want to consider working for free to break in. Compensation will increase as the individual moves into account executive or other management positions.

Advertising Salaries    

Job Leo Burnett Co. Grey Advertising
Asst. Account Executive $35-40KM $35K
Account Executive $40-75K $57K
Account Supervisor $58-85K $60-90K
Executive VP $150K+ $210-500K
Junior Art Dir./Copywriter 28-35K $35K
Art Director/Copywriter 40-60K 45-75K

Public Relations Salaries  

Job Pay Typical Experience
Corporate Director $62K Over 6 years
Agency PR Manager 38-51K 5 to 7 years
PR Account Executive 24-42K 2 to 6 years
Freelance PR Agents 17K and up Entry level


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